Adobe Premiere Presets Torrent

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Project settings determine the properties of your video and audio project assets. For example, they determine their format (AVCHD), source (hard disk or Flash memory camcorder), and aspect ratio (standard or widescreen video). Project settings also specify the frame rate, audio sample rate, upper or lower field first, and bit depth for your project.

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When you start a new project, Adobe Premiere Elements applies a project preset to it. A project preset is a collection of preconfigured project settings. You can use the default project preset of the television standard for the Adobe Premiere Elements version installed on your computer.

Free Premiere Pro Presets

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) is the television standard for the Americas, the Caribbean, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

PAL (Phase Alternating Line) is the standard format for Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East, India, Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific, China, and other parts of Asia.

Because you can’t change the project preset after starting a project, verify the format of your source footage before selecting a project preset.


If you specify lower-quality settings for output (such as streaming web video), do not change your project settings. Change your export settings instead.

When you add a movie clip to the Expert view timeline,Adobe Premiere Elements automatically changes your project settingsin the background to match the clip properties. They include dimension,fps, pixel aspect ratio, and field order.

Adobe Premiere Elements includes default project presets for media from common sources like cameras, DVD discs, and mobile phones among others.

You can select from a list of available presets, however, you cannot create custom presets. The presets for any project can only be selected at the time of creating the project. You cannot change the preset for a project after it has been created.

To select a project preset when starting a new project, click Change Settings in the New Project dialog and select the preset that matches your footage.

If you add a movie clip whose preset does not match the project’s preset, to the Expert view timeline, a message is displayed. Click Yes to let Adobe Premiere Elements change the project settings to use the closest available preset. For more information, see Dynamic Sequence Preset.

By default, Adobe Premiere Elements uses an AVCHD preset for the television standard you specify when you install the program. Select a new preset to create projects in a different format, television standard, or frame aspect ratio.

The preset you select becomes the default, which is used for all new projects, until you select another preset. If you choose a preset temporarily, change it when you’ve finished using it.

Adobe Premiere Presets Torrent
  1. In the Welcome screen, click Video Editor to start Adobe Premiere Elements.

  2. In the New Project dialog box, click Change Settings.
  3. Select the preset that matches the format and standard of the footage you want to edit.

  4. Provide a name and location for your project, and clickOK.

After you create a project, you can only makeminor display-related changes to the project settings.


Youcannot change the Editing mode and the format of Preview files afteryou create a project.

  1. In the Project Settings dialog box, specify project settingsfor General, Capture, and Video Rendering.

Project presets include projectsettings under three categories: General, Capture, and Video Rendering.After you start a project, you can’t change most of the settings,such as frame rate, size, and aspect ratio. However, you can reviewthe settings to ensure that the media you want to add to the projectis compatible.

  1. Open the project in Premiere Elements,and choose Edit > Project Settings > [category].


    Third‑party products, such as PCs, capture cards,and hardware bundles sometimes include custom presets. See the third‑partydocumentation for details.

NTSC presets conform to the NTSC standard,where each video frame includes 525 horizontal lines displayed at29.97 frames per second. The Standard NTSC preset applies to footagethat has a 4:3 aspect ratio. The Widescreen NTSC preset appliesto footage that has a 16:9 aspect ratio.

PAL presets conformto the PAL standard, where each video frame includes 625 lines displayedat 25 frames per second.

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Generalsettings (Edit > Project Settings > General) control the fundamental characteristicsof a project. They include the editing mode used to process video, framesize, aspect ratios, count time (Display Format), and playback settings (Timebase).These settings match the most common source media in your project.For example, if most of your footage is DV, use the DV Playbackediting mode. The quality of your video can deteriorate if you changethese settings arbitrarily.

General settings include thefollowing options.

Identifies the television standard and format for the project. You cannot change the Timebase, Frame Size, Pixel Aspect Ratio, Fields, and Sample Rate preview settings. The editing mode determines these settings.

Note: The Editing Mode setting represents the specifications of the source media, not the final output settings. Mujhse dosti karoge hindi movie download. Specify output settings when you export a project.

Specifies the time divisions used to calculate the time positionof each edit (PAL: 25, NTSC: 29.97).

This button is available if you use a DV preset, a DV editing mode,or install a plug‑in that provides additional playback functions.For a DV editing mode, this option indicates where you want yourpreviews to play. For information on the playback settings for third‑partyplug-ins, see the developer documentation.

Specifies the frame pixels for your project playback. In most cases, the frame size for your project matches the frame size of your source media. You can’t change the frame size to compensate for slow playback. However, you can adjust the playback settings: Ctrl-click the monitor and choose Playback Settings. Adjust the frame size of the output by changing the Export settings.


Sets the aspect ratio for pixels. The video format (PAL or NTSC)determines this ratio. If you use a pixel aspect ratio that is differentfrom your video, the video can appear distorted when you renderit and play.

Specifies the field dominance, or the order in which the two interlaced fields of each frame are drawn.

Specifies the way time appears throughout the project. Thetime display options correspond to standards for editing video and motion‑picturefilm. For DV NTSC video, choose 30-fps Drop‑Frame Timecode. ForDV PAL video, choose 25-fps Timecode.

Specifies the frame edge area to mark as a safe zone fortitles, so that titles aren’t cut off by TVs that zoom the picture.A rectangle with crosshairs marks the title‑safe zone when you clickthe Safe Zones button in the monitor. Titles require a wider safezone than action.

Specifies the frame edge area to mark as a safe zone foraction so that TVs that zoom the picture do not exclude the action.A rectangle marks the action‑safe zone when you click the Safe Zonesbutton in the monitor.

Identifies the audio sample rate for the project preset.In general, higher rates provide better audio quality in projects,but they require more disk space and processing. Record audio ata high‑quality sample rate, and capture audio at the rate at whichit was recorded.

Specifies whether audio time display is measured by usingaudio samples or milliseconds. By default, time is displayed inaudio samples. However, you can display time in milliseconds forsample‑level precision when you are editing audio.

VideoRendering settings control the picture quality, compression settings,and color depth that Premiere Elements uses whenyou play video from the Expert view timeline.

To access Video Rendering settings,choose Edit > Project Settings > Video Render.These settings include the following options:

Allows Premiere Elements to use up to 32‑bitprocessing, even if the project uses a lower bit depth. Selectingthis option increases precision but decreases performance.

Specifies the format of the preview video.

Free Adobe Premiere Presets

Identifies the codec (compressor/decompressor) that Premiere Elements applies to generate movie previews.The project preset defines the codec. You cannot change it becauseit must conform to the DV standard.

note: If you don’t apply effectsto your clip or change its frame/time characteristics, Adobe PremiereElements uses the clip’s original codec for playback. If your changes necessitateframe recalculation, Adobe Premiere Elements applies the codec identifiedhere.

Select this option to use still images efficiently in projects.For example, you can use an image that has a duration of 2 secondsin a 30-fps project. Premiere Elements createsa 2‑second frame instead of 60 frames, each with a duration of 1/30second. Deselect this option if projects encounter playback problemswhen displaying still images.

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